Monday, January 12, 2009
:: home sweet home ::
so this year, i have to wave my hand and say "au revoir" to Toroa House. 2years living there with such amazing environment and many types of people, I could say, Toroa is the best!!
Welcome to my new house, I chose to stay in studio room this year. Mostly because of my financial. What can I say.. So here is my new room. Small but yet a nice room. :) hehe.. I gove you guys an exclusive tour ok...
Here is my queen size bed hihi.. I love it.. Although sometimes I think it took so many space in my room. but atleast I got a huge bed.. for the 1st time..
Boleh ke gurls cume ade 1 small closet?n the answer is yes.. itu ajela yg saya ade.. an open wardrobe.. putar gak kepala otak cmne nak tutup .. so ms tgh2 kemas, dpt idea .. shower curtain!! yes!! paling penting.. semua muat dlm tu.. skit kan bju2 saya? and.. this year, i have tv in my room.. hooo hooo..
a small table too!! 2heaters, and a tiny kitchen.kalu xmcm kitchen pun xpela.. blhla bt air panas, toast roti. n bla bla bla.. I love it.. walaupun sempit.. but at least everything is organized nicely..
so far, xde problem lagi.. alhamdulillah.. So guys, what do u think? Do u think I can survive? and how about you living in my shoes? small room, with shared kitchen n bathroom..
Cherry oh cherry!!! next story will be about cherry Love it to bits..
"My little sweet heaven"
Welcome to my new house, I chose to stay in studio room this year. Mostly because of my financial. What can I say.. So here is my new room. Small but yet a nice room. :) hehe.. I gove you guys an exclusive tour ok...
so far, xde problem lagi.. alhamdulillah.. So guys, what do u think? Do u think I can survive? and how about you living in my shoes? small room, with shared kitchen n bathroom..
"My little sweet heaven"
Mok Der - best nya katil besor!! Masa aku student sorang2 kat Adelaide...tadok ah nok katil besor.. Of course lah mu blh survive dgn bilik yang lebih besar dari bilik aku masa kat Adelaide.. Aku dulu pon shared kitchen jgk..Dah la cun ada tv...aku x rajin ada tv pon!!!
comey bilik mu!!
ktorg pun duk studio en-suite toilet n kitchen..
tp sure la leh survive..asal kita hidup dgn aman sentosa~
tp serious, bilik mu comey doh ni:)
loved it!
walaupun kecik tapi having a space to ourself is just contenting!
great idea pada wardrobe tersebut! i dun think i could even put my PJ onto the rack, let alone my coats!
aiyak~ cute ye bilik kamu.hehe. esok turn ak lak masuk bilik
Haha..apa yg tersangkut tuh??huhu..jam rupanya :p
comot to Rina Adnan-Demade
aku xdela teringin sgt nak katil besar. nsib baik ade boxing day, blhla aku beli sarung duvet.sblum ni aku ade yg single.tapi ok la. not too bad!! :P
comot to Sulie
Thanx jelah yang aku mampu thun ni .. nk gak save duit skitkan b4 balik.. brape ko byr kat sana?
comot to cheritacerithi
tu la,, mmg pening gak kepala bile tgk wardrobe terbukak.. baju kite sgt skit la.. hehe.. ni yang bt xsbr nk balik n shopping. huhu..
comot to ubey
masuk bilik? hihi.. thank you..sbnrnye bilik ini sgt biase.. tapi ur comment made my day :)
comot to ezad
yg tergantung towel, beg, jaket, jam n eye mask :p cian kan kat sy, bilik kecik.. tapi ok la.. not too bad :p
p.s. comot sudah mulai suka pd biliknye :P
take care..
bestnyerrr katel itewww.. tdo baper oghang.. salammmz